Legislative Attacks on the Federal ESA 1996 – 2022

[table-chart chart=bar aspect_ratio=1:3 id=2 /]

Legislative Attacks on the Federal ESA 1996 – 2022

[table id=1 /]

[table-chart chart=bar id=1 /]

Add the Shortcode [table-chart id=123 /] to a post or page to create a chart from the TablePress table 123.

Optional parameters:

  • Show/hide chart line: showline=true (default: true)
  • Show/hide show chart area: showarea=false (default: false)
  • Set chart y low: low=0 (default: table low)
  • Set chart y high: high=10 (default: table high)
  • Set line with of the donut chart: donut_width=200 (default: false)
  • Enable/disable smooth line: linesmooth=true (default: true)
  • Enable/disable line points: showpoint=true (default: true)
  • Enable/disable horizontal bars: horizontal=true (default: false)
  • Enable/disable stacked bars: stack=true (default: false)
  • Set chart aspect ratio: aspect_ratio=3:4 (default: 3:4) Alternatives: 1, 15:16, 8:9, 5:6, 4:5, 3:4, 2:3, 5:8, 1:1.618, 3:5, 9:16, 8:15, 1:2, 2:5, 3:8, 1:3, or 1:4
  • Select chart type: chart=bar (default: line) Alternatives: line, bar, pie, donut, percent or piepercent (mix of pie and percent).
  • Set label offset: label_offset=100 (default: false)
  • Set chart padding: chart_padding=100 (default: false)
  • Use animations (not available for all chart types): animation=buildup (default: false)

If the “Table Head Row” option is enabled for the table, the Extension will use the head row data for the chart labels.
The other rows will be shown as lines or bars. Pie or percent charts will only use the first data row. Percent charts will ignore the header row.