The mission of the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture is to protect, restore, increase, and enhance habitats throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife.
The SFBJV Partnership is guided by an Implementation Strategy. Our Implementation Strategy is currently being revised by the partnership, but in the meantime we are actively working on goals identified in our original strategy, Restoring the Estuary. The strategy is based on an ecosystem perspective that considers the multiple benefits of wetlands and helps SFBJV partners fulfill their habitat objectives and achieve specified region-wide habitat goals using three broad categories: bay habitats, seasonal wetlands, and creeks and lakes. Accomplishments toward these goals in each of the six Bay Area subregions are tracked in an online Joint Venture database. For access to the database or more information about it please contact Sandra Scoggin.
The identified habitat acreage goals are:
- Protect 63,000 acres, restore 37,000 acres, enhance another 35,000 acres of San Francisco Bay's tidal flats, marshes, and lagoons to benefit waterfowl, shorebirds, and other wildlife
- Protect 37,000 and restore and/or enhance 30,000 acres of seasonal wetlands for breeding waterfowl and migrating shorebirds
- Restore and/or enhance approximately 1000 miles of creeks and protect 40,000 acres of riparian corridors for resident and migratory songbirds