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Joint Venture Habitat Tracking Database
SFBJV partners deliver a variety of wetland protection, restoration, and enhancement projects throughout the nine Bay Area counties. Projects range in size from smaller creek projects to the largest tidal wetland restoration project on the West Coast - the South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project.
One of the ways the SFBJV helps partners realize our shared habitat goals is by connecting them with the funding opportunities, science, and resources they need through our habitat project tracking system which consists of the data entry portal, Project Tracker, combined with project information, map viewing, file and document links, and analytical tools available through EcoAtlas.
The SFBJV project tracking system is a comprehensive, user-friendly, habitat project tracking system that enables the Joint Venture to generate acreage and funding summaries and help the partnership track and make progress on regional goals.
The system provides the following benefits:
- Detailed information about habitat projects including funding and acreage information on acquisitions, restorations, and enhancement projects;
- The ability to easily generate project maps and access reports and other files;
- Information that can assist with project planning;
- A forum for networking and information sharing;
- GIS functions that give users the ability to view surrounding land uses, features, and projects, perform various queries, map and measure project sites, and generate .jpg maps
- Interactive, detailed maps of aquatic resources extent
For more information contact Sandra Scoggin at sscoggin@sfbayjv.org.