San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

A partnership working to protect, restore, increase, and enhance wetland habitats
throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife

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Funding Database

Wildlife Habitat Conservation Mini-Grant program
Category Local/Regional
Funding Agency Valley Water
Title Wildlife Habitat Conservation Mini-Grant program
Description The grant cycle for the D3: Wildlife Habitat Restoration mini-grants is open. The mini-grants program aims to provide seed funding to encourage broader and long-term community engagement in wildlife habitat restoration or watershed stewardship activities in Santa Clara County. Mini-grant funding is designed to support small scale projects or help kick start larger scale projects. Examples of past projects that have received mini-grant funding include: educational excursions to creeks and other waterways for underserved communities; establishing a neighborhood community garden; and conducting community workshops on the appropriate and beneficial use of grey water. Mini-grant applications are accepted on a rolling basis with an average of $200,000 available per grant cycle and a maximum award of $5,000 per grant. Proposed projects must be located in Santa Clara County
Amount $ $5,000 per project
Application Deadline 2021-12-31
Funding Cycle Ongoing
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