San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

A partnership working to protect, restore, increase, and enhance wetland habitats
throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife

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Funding Database

Wetland Program Development Grant (WPDG)
Category Federal
Funding Agency U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Title Wetland Program Development Grant (WPDG)
Description WPDGs provide eligible applicants an opportunity to conduct projects that promote the coordination and acceleration of research, investigations, experiments, training, demonstrations, surveys and studies relating to the causes, effects, extent, prevention, reduction and elimination of water pollution. WPDGs assist state, tribal, local government (S/T/LG) agencies and interstate/intertribal entities in building programs to protect, manage and restore wetlands. States, tribes, local governments, interstate associations, and intertribal consortia are eligible to apply for the Regional WPDG Request for Proposals (RFPs). Nonprofits, interstate associations and intertribal consortia are eligible to apply for the National WPDG RFPs. WPDGs provide applicants an opportunity to develop and refine comprehensive state/tribal/local government wetland programs. These programs are meant to: Build the capacity of state/tribal/local governments to increase the quantity and quality of wetlands in the U.S. by conserving and restoring wetland acreage and improving wetland condition. Use one or more of the following “Core Elements” in order to achieve this goal.
Amount $ $75,000 to $220,000
Contact Leana Rosetti ( EPA Region 9
Application Deadline 2021-07-06
Funding Cycle Ongoing
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