San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

A partnership working to protect, restore, increase, and enhance wetland habitats
throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife

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Funding Database

Climate Variability and Predictability Program
Category Federal
Funding Agency National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Title Climate Variability and Predictability Program
Description The goal of the Climate Variability and Predictability (CVP) Program is to advance the knowledge of the dynamics, and sources of predictability, of the coupled ocean-atmosphere-land-ice system across all climate time scales by using observations, modeling, research, analysis, and field studies to gain a process-level understanding of how the system interacts. This vital knowledge is needed to improve climate models and predictions so that scientists and society can better anticipate the impacts of future climate variability and change. To achieve its mission, the CVP Program invests in NOAA mission-critical research, which is carried out at NOAA and other federal laboratories, NOAA Cooperative Institutes, and academic institutions. The Program also coordinates its sponsored projects with major national and international scientific bodies including the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) - especially CLIVAR (Climate and Ocean Variability, Predictability and Change) and GEWEX (Global Energy and Water Cycle Exchanges) programs - and the U.S. Global Change Research program (USGCRP).
Amount $ 14,000,000
Contact Diane Brown
Application Deadline 2018-04-02
Funding Cycle Annual
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