San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

A partnership working to protect, restore, increase, and enhance wetland habitats
throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife

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Funding Database

Resilient Communities Program
Category Federal
Funding Agency National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Wells Fargo
Title Resilient Communities Program
Description In 2017, Wells Fargo and NFWF launched the Resilient Communities Program, designed to prepare for future environmental challenges by enhancing community capacity to plan and implement resiliency projects and improve the protections afforded by natural ecosystems by investing in green infrastructure and other measures. The program will focus on water quality and quantity declines, forest health concerns, and sea level rise. The program will emphasize community inclusion and assistance to traditionally underserved populations in vulnerable areas. This four-year initiative is supported through a $10 million contribution from Wells Fargo that will be used to leverage other private and public funds with an expected total investment of more than $20 million. Grants will be offered once a year to support priority projects in states and communities associated with Wells Fargo operations. Additional priorities and funding guidelines may be found within the program’s Request for Proposals. Find more information on their website
Amount $ 200-500,000
Application Deadline 2017-03-30
Funding Cycle Annual
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