San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

A partnership working to protect, restore, increase, and enhance wetland habitats
throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife

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Funding Database

Prop 68 Restoration Grant Programs
Category State
Funding Agency California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Title Prop 68 Restoration Grant Programs
Description Proposition 68 provides funding to CDFW to award grants to projects that improve a community�s ability to adapt to the unavoidable impacts of climate change; improve and protect coastal and rural economies, agricultural viability, wildlife corridors, or habitat; develop future recreational opportunities; or enhance drought tolerance, landscape resilience, and water retention (PRC �80130). Funding for competitive grants will be contingent upon fund availability. Proposition 68, passed by California voters in June 2018, amended the PRC to add, among other articles, section 80132, subdivisions (d), (e)(2), and (g), authorizing the Legislature to appropriate up to $25,000,000 to CDFW to restore rivers and streams in support of fisheries and wildlife; up to $30,000,000 to CDFW to restore Southern California Steelhead habitat; and up to $30,000,000 to CDFW to improve conditions for fish and wildlife in streams, rivers, wildlife refuges, wetland habitat areas, and estuaries; respectively.
Amount $ 6 million
Application Deadline 2019-11-20
Funding Cycle Annual
Document FINAL_2020 Prop1_68_PSN.pdf
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