San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

A partnership working to protect, restore, increase, and enhance wetland habitats
throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife

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Funding Database

SITKA Ecosystem Grants
Category Private
Funding Agency SITKA
Title SITKA Ecosystem Grants
Description SITKA Ecosystem Grants fund proposed projects that improve the state and function of an ecosystem. All SITKA® Ecosystem Grant (SEG) projects should be of the highest quality and have the potential to advance and transform the confluence of the environmental + social landscape as it relates to wildlife, stewardship and conservation. SEG projects should contribute to achieving environmental goals principally, where by doing so, society at large and the ecosystems we are inextricably bound to benefit. This includes wild, suburban and/or urban ecosystems alike. Potential impacts and success metrics must be qualified and quantified through research and data, grassroots and community efforts, management efforts and outcomes, media and content, and activities that are supported by and or complimentary to the SEG supported project.
Amount $ 3,000-20,000
Application Deadline [not specified]
Funding Cycle Ongoing
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