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California Sea Grant and the California Ocean Protection Council (OPC) are now soliciting proposals for monitoring, research, and synthesis projects that will enhance our understanding of ocean acidification and hypoxia on biological vulnerability. This funding opportunity will support the collection of new chemical or ecological observations or species response data. Synthesis efforts that promote broad access and sharing of OAH data and information are also eligible.
California Sea Grant and OPC are soliciting proposals for projects of up to 3 years in duration, with a maximum budget of $1,000,000 per project (to include indirect costs, if any). Two to seven projects will likely be funded and range from a minimum of $200,000 to a maximum of $1,000,000, contingent upon receipt of anticipated funds from NOAA. The anticipated start date of these projects is approximately February 1, 2022. There is a total of $2.2 million available for this research solicitation. California Sea Grant will fund $400,000 worth of projects and OPC will provide an additional $1,800,949.
Note: There will be no no-cost extensions available for this funding opportunity.
The intent of the planned solicitation is to meet OPC’s Strategic Plan Objective 1.2 to minimize causes and impacts to ocean acidification and hypoxia and Objective 1.3 to improve understanding of climate impacts on California’s coast and ocean. The solicitation will also be aligned with the recommendations made by the California Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) Science Task Force report “Enhancing California’s Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Monitoring Network”, a joint effort led by the OPC and Ocean Science Trust (OST). California Sea Grant will contribute NOAA Sea Grant funds and administer the solicitation which will be focused on projects of up to 3 years in duration that enhance our understanding of OAH impacts to biological, economic, and social vulnerability through enhanced monitoring, research, and synthesis. California Sea Grant will also lead grant administration on behalf of OPC. |