San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

A partnership working to protect, restore, increase, and enhance wetland habitats
throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife

Untitled Document

Funding Database

Climate Adaptation Fund
Category Private
Funding Agency Wildlife Conservation Society
Title Climate Adaptation Fund
Description The Climate Adaptation Fund provides grant awards to non-profit conservation organizations for applied, on-the-ground projects focused on implementing priority conservation actions for climate adaptation at a landscape scale. Last year, in response to the ever-increasing urgency of climate change, WCS’s Climate Adaptation Fund shifted its funding priorities to advance learning and increase the pace and scale of impact in adaptation for wildlife and ecosystems. In 2022, the Fund will award up to $2.5 million in grants across two grant categories: Adaptation Implementation - up to $300,000 over three years for adaptation implementation projects with an innovative component. These projects must include a monitoring plan to inform adaptive management decisions and evaluate progress towards project outcomes. Adaptation Mainstreaming - up to $100,000 over two years for projects facilitating the conditions necessary to increase the uptake of an adaptation approach with known benefits.
Amount $ 2.5 million
Application Deadline 2022-04-08
Funding Cycle Annual
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