San Francisco Bay Joint Venture

A partnership working to protect, restore, increase, and enhance wetland habitats
throughout the San Francisco Bay region to benefit birds, fish, and other wildlife

Untitled Document

Funding Database

Community-based Restoration Program (CRP)
Category Federal
Funding Agency National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - NOAA
Title Community-based Restoration Program (CRP)
Description NOAA’s Restoration Center recognizes that habitat protection and restoration are essential elements of a strategy for sustainable commercial and recreational fisheries. To that end, the Community-based Restoration Program is currently soliciting applications for restoration projects that use a habitat-based approach to foster species recovery and increase fish production. The funding opportunity will focus on projects that will aid in recovering Endangered Species Act-listed species and rebuilding sustainable fish populations or their prey. We are soliciting coastal habitat restoration projects that will: contribute to the recovery, conservation, and resilience of protected species such as salmon and coral sustain fish stocks managed under the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act and their prey restore coastal ecosystems and improve coastal resiliency. Coastal and Marine Habitat Restoration Funding at a Glance Projects will primarily be funded through cooperative agreements. $9 million is available for selected projects. We will accept proposals that range from $100,000 to $5 million over a one- to three-year project period.
Amount $ $75,000 - 3 million
Application Deadline 2019-04-16
Funding Cycle Annual
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