Tiscornia Marsh Restoration Project
The 20 acre parcel known as Tiscornia Marsh, is located in the canal neighborhood of San Rafael. The property includes upland habitat, tidal marsh and a submerged area. It is situated next to the lively Al Boro Community Center offering neighbors access to the Bay via a levee trail along the perimeter.
In 2008, the property was donated to the Marin Audubon Society (MAS) by Mary Tiscornia. Subsequently, MAS partnered with Environmental Science Associates (ESA), to design nature-based alternatives for restoring the parcel to address sea level rise, contribute to protecting the community, expand existing tidal marsh and provide cover for California Clapper and Black Rails, both of which have been observed onsite. The plans also include improvements to the Bay Trail. More details on the project alternative designs can be found here.
MAS has also been partnering with the Multicultural Center of Marin (formerly Shore-Up Marin), to help educate people living in the neighborhoods around the property about potential impacts from sea level rise and include them in the planning process. The collaborative has hosted walking tours of the property and held community meetings to answer questions and share design plans and their vision for the future.
The project has been made possible by a State Coastal Conservancy and Marin Community Foundation “Advancing Nature-Based Adaptation Solutions” grant, as well as San Francisco Bay Restoration Authority Measure AA funding. The Restoration Authority is a regional agency that funds projects that restore, protect and enhance the wetlands and wildlife habitat in San Francisco Bay and along its shoreline.